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This month the Sign Here team have joined forces with Sign Services & Maintenance WA and are taking part in Steptember . We’re raising money and awareness for cerebral palsy and this great cause – If you’d like to donate to our team, or track our progress click the link below. Combined were at over 218,000 steps so far, and that’s only 2 days down.

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Steptember promotional poster

About Steptember

Looking for a way to increase your fitness levels, develop new healthy habits, have a great time with friends, and raise incredibly important funds to support people living with cerebral palsy (CP) right across Australia – all at the same time?

Then look no further, because here it is – Steptember 2018.

Run by Cerebral Palsy Alliance, the Steptember charity event challenges people to take 10,000 steps a day for 28 days straight in, yes you guessed it, the month of September.

Unlike many other charity challenges, Steptember is done in your own time. Just take 10,000 steps a day whenever you like, wherever you like, and log your steps online. And keeping track of those steps is just as easy with the fantastic new pedometer you’ll get just for signing up.

Sounds easy, right? Well, perhaps not. But certainly rewarding, inspiring – and enormously appreciated!

Steptember helps kids like Dan - Child with cerebral palsy.
Steptember helps kids like Hunter - Child with cerebral palsy.

What is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral Palsy is a physical disability that affects movement and posture.

Cerebral palsy (CP) is an umbrella term that refers to a group of disorders affecting a person’s ability to move. It is a permanent life-long condition, but generally does not worsen over time. It is due to damage to the developing brain either during pregnancy or shortly after birth.

Cerebral palsy affects people in different ways and can affect body movement, muscle control, muscle coordination, muscle tone, reflex, posture and balance.

Did you know, Cerebral Palsy is the most common physical disability in childhood?

For more information on cerebral palsy please visit

Help Kids with Cerebral Palsy

Let’s face it. Taking 10,000 steps a day for 28 days straight is one heck of a commitment! But every step will be made easier because you’ll know that it’s all for a very worthy cause.

Thanks to the sponsorship of friends, family and colleagues, you’ll raise vital funds to help pay for equipment, therapy, and research into groundbreaking treatments for cerebral palsy.

Every dollar you raise during Steptember allows us to provide much-needed services, support, and care for so many kids and adults living with cerebral palsy and their families. Kids like Dan and Hunter (pictured), have shown more courage and determination in his first few years than most of us need to in a lifetime.

But these things are only possible with your support. So go on, register today. The steps that you’ll take this Steptember will help more kids like Dan, and that’s a beautiful thing.